Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 49 - Beach baby, beach baby....

Fullerton, California

Love the beach. Love the beach, even with four little kids. But it's a lot harder - especially with the babies! High on our priority list for beach trips is now easy parking (i.e. close to the sand and by the hour, not the day), grass and shade (what?!), and sidewalks for once the allure of eating sand wears off after an hour or so. Sheesh, what is this world coming to?!

Our first trip this year was a chilly near disaster a few weeks ago. Our next was a much better quick picnic. Yesterday was the best by far, once we figured out how to plan around all of the above requirements. I always wondered why we went to certain random beaches when I was a kid. Turns out they have parking, grass, and sidewalks. Funny how mom and dad make so much more sense once you're a mom or dad!

And though packing and bathing takes at least six times as long now that there are so many of us, the smiles and fun is at least six times as much. I plan on enjoying that for as long as everyone still wants to go to the beach together, which should be a while.

Here we are yesterday... (Danny and Daddy up on top, Jimmy the Sandman with a sunscreen mohawk below)


ajb said...

hey lady! such fun pictures! how much longer are you in California? I wonder if you'd be up for a visit?? <3 annajoy

Don said...

Great pics... capturing one of many great moments during your stay in Fullerton. Love the "jumping Abby" pic. Life is good.