Thursday, November 6, 2008

Family pictures - the good, the bad, the bumpy!

This is my family: bumps, discolorations, odd shapes and all. Wow, you think, I never would have guessed that you were a gourd! Well, here's the story...

We've been needing new family pictures for a few years now, and I've finally gotten around to it this fall. I envisioned pictures of us out in the leaves at a park, until I asked around about prices and quickly changed my visions. Sears with a coupon for us!

In order to keep a shred of my dreams alive, I decided to take this little family of gourds (my farmer's market decorations) out to the backyard for a little photo shoot. You can see the results above. John is the tall one who claims to be bronze, and the three of us girls, well, we all look a little alike in a weird sort of way!

My gourds got me thinking about how bumpy, oddly shaped, and strange each of us are. And yet, we belong in our families (we're oddly shaped look-alikes?!). Our families love us, listen to us, celebrate us. My family loves me in spite of my big feet, the incredible volume of my nose-blowing, unruly sarcasm, endless new recipes, and other great qualities!

My dad, moms, brother and sister love me. Eight years ago, John's family welcomed me, giving me an Illinois home for the first time. I am blessed beyond words with my dear family in John, Abby, and Rachel. Churches in each of our cities have welcomed us as family. It's truly amazing, considering that nose-blowing thing.

And yet, I have to admit that sometimes I forget how oddly shaped I am, and instead notice that you look kind of funny. Ironic, considering how crooked and lumpy I look in the picture above.

God, give me more and more love instead of criticism for all of the family that you have blessed me with.

And to my many families, thank you for loving me.

Photo editing provided by, suggested by Dina! Your work is way cooler than mine... If you lived closer, I would have commissioned you for our photos! Thanks, D.


Leslie Kimble said...

hey! great family pic!--just wanted you to know, if you're still wanting some pictures of you guys I'd be happy to take them--I just did a photo shoot for another family at our church last week.

Don said...

One of my personal goals/affirmations is, "I view myself and others through kind eyes." It reminds me to cut myself as much slack as I do others.

I think of you almost every morning when I blow my nose in the morning. The echos of your daily morning nose-blowing reverberate pleasantly in my memory.

Anonymous said...

Papa Evan's comment made me laugh immediately!! I so remember those noises echoing from the bathroom! Thanks, Don for the memories!

joanna said...

didn't know that my nose-blowing memories still echoed quite so loudly - thousands of miles in either direction! ah well, the price of living with others and being known and loved :).

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad that someone else besides me (allergies and all)has to blow their nose....
You are my first daughter and are very special to me...